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Community Service Hours for students are required for graduation from Hanson Memorial High School.  In order for your child to receive a Hanson Memorial Diploma, they must complete a minimum of forty hours of community service by graduation, 10 hours per year, turned in yearly.

The service hours must take place at a non-profit organization.  Helping family members is NOT considered valid.  It is important for your child to get documentation of the hours they accomplished and bring it to school so we can keep track.  I hope you will assist us in helping your child become a strong Christian in our community.  Students will be required to perform additional service hours for disciplinary reasons. Student community service hours forms are linked here.

The Family Participation Program will provide for needs and services which help the schools fulfill their missions.  You may volunteer at either or both schools, as we promote unity between Hanson and St. John.  Each family is required to provide 20 hours of service or pay $600.  The service hours are logged between April 1 and March 31.  We call families who fully support our schools to an abundance of participation to continue the rich traditions of Hanson and St. John.

Mass Collections are used to help fund the Religion Department for class retreats, Nursing Home Projects, and participation in benefits for other causes.  Thank you in advance for your support.